Tuesday, June 15, 2010


..the averting of one’s focus from the God of the Law to the Law itself.

It is Jesus who saves, and His salvation is personal, direct. It is not a business transaction, where one racks up enough ‘obedience points’ to make it to heaven.

If heaven is my goal, and not Jesus, I might have grown a bit cold in my love for Him and shifted my gaze to what I get out of the exchange.

Another word about ‘legalism’…it’s the war cry of many who want no rules, no guidelines, no limits. God is a God of limits, for our own good. What good shepherd lets his sheep wander without sheepfold, without crook and staff?

So with this in mind, I leave the subject of legalism. I’d rather not focus on the blind spot…much better to walk in the light, with my eyes on Jesus.

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